Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Term 3 Goals

My Academic goal for term 3 is to learn what decimals are. I will listen at maths time and practice at home.

My Key Competency goal for term 2 is to not get any crosses for my home-fun. I will make sure I always do my Home-Fun and remember to take my book home and bring it back to school.

My Self -Reflection
I think I have achieved my academic goal now I understand what decimals are. I feel happy because I now can do decimals and there easy

I have achieved my Key Competency because I have gotten no crosses for this term I feel great because I'm gonna get two prizes

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Persnoal Investigation Term 2

In term 2 my Personal Investigation was on Shaquille O'Neal. I presented it on a 3-D board. I think my PI was good because I bought in a growth chart and a cut out of his actual shoe size